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Kimberly Christensen

TEXAS Realtor - Best Selling Author!

Real Estate Expert, Kimberly Christensen, Hits Amazon Best-Seller List With The Big Secret, On Kindle
Written by admin on October 25, 2017

Kimberly Christensen has released the Kindle Edition of her best selling book, The Big Secret

Anna, TX – Oct 25, 2017 –Realtor, Kimberly Christensen, is pleased to announce that her best-selling book, The Big Secret, is now available in a Kindle Edition. The book provides the reader with secrets of success in business and life.

The Big Secret, published by CelebrityPress® LLC, was released in May 2017 and quickly reached best-seller status on – reaching as high as #2 in the “Direct Marketing” category. Christensen contributed a chapter titled, “Focusing on Success in Real Estate,” that helped the book reach optimal best-seller placement and will help readers gain similar success in their endeavors.

CelebrityPress® describes the book:

The desire to keep knowledge from circulating is the essence of any secret. In the case of the secret of success, entrepreneurs and forward thinkers have come around to recognizing that success is NOT to be kept a secret, but rather, shared for the good of the community, the world, and themselves. We recall the famous words of Napoleon Hill:

It is literally true that you can succeed best and quickest by helping others to succeed.

Therefore, among the secrets to success, mentoring those who wish to learn more about the process is paramount. Other vital factors in success include the need for specific knowledge, saving time by avoiding mistakes, having the passion needed, as well as the will to pursue your dreams and to take action to achieve this success. Dreams without action were once called “pipe dreams” – just smoke screens where nothing tangible was ever accomplished.

While we need to beware of charlatans and cheats, more and more of us wish to succeed personally and help others along the way do the same. The electronic age has ably assisted this cau

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